Raven Hart (USA) – Behind-The-Shops – 04/2017

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Plaisir de découvrir cette série de photos de 2017 de la star américaine du X, Raven Hart (dont Behind-The-Scenes possède quelques tenues de tournages au sein de notre musée du X), dans un style très Behind-The-Shops !!!

Née en 1977, Raven Hart débuta dans le X business en 2016 à l’aube de ses 40 ans … Mais elle avait déjà un passé de stripteaseuses, de webcameuse et de dominatrice ! En 2021, il semble que l’actrice se soit retirée du circuit professionnel …

Back in 2017 … Let’s follow the US busty MILF, Raven Hart, on a photo session in a Behind-The-Shops style. At Behind-The-Scenes, we like this actress, for which we own some pornset outfits into our Porn Museum !

Raven Hart is born in the city of Los Angeles (California) in May 1977, in a family of Mediterranean origins (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Greek) and Baltic (Latvian and Lithuanian). After some minor office work, she began her professional career as a webcam model , later moving to work, for five years, as a stripper in venues in her hometown, New York and Atlantic City. After this stage he began to work as a dominatrix . With friends and colleagues within the pornographic industry, it was a friend of his, the pornographic actor Tom Moore, who encouraged her to try as an actress. After some castings, with the OC Modelings agency, she debuted as a pornographic actress in December 2016, filming her first two scenes, with Jessy Jones and Arya Fae, for the Brazzers portal. 5 As an actress, she has worked for producers. She has shot more than 30 films as an actress. In 2021 … it looks that Raven Hart is not anymore active in the porn industry …

Date: août 1, 2021
Actors: Raven Hart

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