LSF Radio is looking for a new bilingual French/English host

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Dear English speaking followers… Do you know LSF Radio ??? LSF means Love Sex Fun

LSF Radio is a French online radio, leader in France for more than 10 years within the adult community. The radio is gathering swingers, clubs, porn fans, porn performers, camgirls, strippers, …. any one involved in the sex pleasure !

LSF Radio is broadcasting music recorded or live … and is famous for producing live show, available online through audio, but also through video, as LSF Radio partners with the cams platform Cam4 in order to interact with the audience.

The most famous show is planned every saturday, is live and lengh more than 3 hours ! Named « La Libre Antenne » (The open on-air show) it is a radio show mixing interviews, news and live shows !

The radio show hosts, Elisa, Jimmy and Eliza are planning starting in September to reach the next level… And get as guests in their shows international stars… from the porn and cam industry … So they are looking for a new show host to join the team in September. The candidate should :

  • Be a woman older than 18 yo
  • Be totally fluent in english (to be exact to be perfectly bilingual English / French)
  • Get the #LoveSexFun spirit
  • Get proper oral skills … to speak clearly !!!
  • Be available to start on September 5th 2020 at 3pm for the first show of the season

Contact LSFradio in private on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (or let Behind-The-Scenes know if you did not manage to reach them).

Notre radio préférée LSF Radio #LoveSexFun… recherche à complêter son équipe avec une animatrice bilingue Français / Anglais … En effet, LSFradio souhaite se développer et toucher les pays anglophones et attirer dans sa libre antenne des stars internationales étrangères ! Alors…

👉Vous aimez l’ambiance #LSFRADIO
👉Vous souhaitez rejoindre l’équipe
👉Vous êtes 1 femme
👉Vous parlez parfaitement l’anglais Drapeau du Royaume-Uni
👉Vous avez l’esprit #LoveSexFun ?
👉Vous avez 1 bonne diction ?

Dispo dès le 05/09 15h00 (Libre antenne) !

Alors c’est vous que LSF Radio recherche (Contactez les en privé sur leurs réseaux sociaux)

Date: août 2, 2020

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